West Malling Station

About West Malling
West Malling is located near Maidstone. It was historically known as Town Malling.One of the most famous landmarks is St.Leonard's Tower. This is a Norman keep built by Bishop Gundulf. Prior's House is also renown for once being a residence for those suffering with leprosy.
West Malling is also famous for the site of the first recorded cricket match in Kent. This took place in 1705 between West of Kent and Chatham.
On the outskirts of West Malling lies Kings Hill, a huge residential area with many business offices. West Malling train station is also the nearest stop for Kings Hill residents.
We would like to thank "Rainham Rail Enthusiast" for allowing us to link his video of the station.

Walks around West Malling
Why not try the West Malling Quiz Trail, a 1.2 mile walk around West Malling. A fun family activity with local facts and stories to enjoy as you walk around the beautiful village at your own pace.
The All Trails website suggests some other walks you may be interested in trying.
Cycle rides around West Malling
Although we don't have any official routes we can recommend, you can always take a look at the Komoot website where members of the community share routes they have taken around the local area.
Please note
We have taken all responsible steps to ensure that these routes are safe and achievable by people with a reasonable level of fitness.
However, all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. To the extent permitted by law, Sustrans accepts no responsibility for any accidents or injury resulting from following these routes.
Walking and cycling routes change over time. Weather conditions may also affect path surfaces.
Please use your own judgement when using the routes based upon the weather and the ability, experience and confidence levels of those in your group.
For more information about things to do around West Malling, why not take a look at the Explore Kent website.