Rail Safety Week 2024

Kent Community Rail Partnership will be hosting two pop-up promotional stalls during Rail Safety Week.


At these events we will be focusing on sharing the support available from British Transport Police through the 61016 text service and Railway Guardian App.


Come along and meet us:-

Monday 24th June, Tonbridge Station, 3:00pm – 5:30pm.

Wednesday 26th June, Maidstone West Station, 4:15-6:15pm.


Throughout the week we will be using our social media to share rail safety messages and highlight educational resources and other sources of support including:-

 You vs TrainShattered LivesTegan’s Story

 I am Train Safe

Platform Rail, Rail Safety Mythbuster

Samaritans free 116 123 helpline, available around the clock and their “Small Talk Saves Lives” campaign

Network Rail resources

Remember, the whole Railway Family wants to see “Everyone Home Safe Everyday”. Keep off the tracks and if you see something suspicious, report it – “See it, Say it, Sorted.

