Kent County Councillors show their support for Queenborough station adopters.

A group of people standing by two rowing boats that are used as flowerbeds. In front are a variety of pieces of new gardening equipment being presented to the group.

On Friday 9th February we paid a visit to our volunteer station adopters at Queenborough to hand over a variety of gardening hand tools to help them keeping the station gardens tidy and attractive for the local community.

The station adoption group are part of Queenborough and Rushenden in Bloom, who work tirelessly to bring colour and fragrance to the town each year and to keep the area clean and tidy. At the station they are supported by Southeastern’s Mary Jane, the local legend who’s community spirit shows that running the station’s ticket office is about so much more than simply selling tickets. 

The tools include hand trowels and forks, brushes and brooms, secateurs, lopers and tidy bags. They were funded by Councillor Mike Whiting and Councillor Andy Booth through Kent County Council’s Combined Member Grants Scheme.

“The Queenborough in Bloom group were already active around the town, so we were excited when they signed up to become station adopters last spring. With a project already underway to celebrate the former Sheppey LIght Railway at the station, we sought support from Councillor Mike Whiting and Councillor Andy Booth for both our new history boards and the work of our station adopters.

We were absolutely delighted when they both said yes to our proposals and wish to thank them for their help.” – Linda Brinklow, volunteer Chair of Kent CRP’s Swale Rail Line.

“These tools will make a real difference to our volunteers, previously In Bloom had no tools of its own and relied on members bringing their own, to use in the community. 

We would like to express our gratitude to Councillor Mike Whiting and Councillor Andy Booth for supporting our adoption of Queenborough Station and Gary Outram from the Kent Community Rail Partnership for organising the funding for the tools” – Cllr Paula Telford, Chair of Queenborough and Rushenden In Bloom.

The idea of creating history boards celebrating the Sheppey Light Railway came from our members and has also been supported by Councillor Mike Whiting and Councillor Andy Booth through Kent County Council’s Combined Member Grants Scheme, with additional backing from the Colonel Stephens Society



“We hope the boards will generate interest in the Sheppey Light Railway’s past and it’s possible future as the inspiration for a Sheppey Light Railway Greenway” – Gary Outram, Project Officer Kent CRP.
