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Grow 19 Cuxton

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Planter Construction at Cuxton Station May 2021

Following the successful construction of planters at Wateringbury Station back in March 2020, plans were put in place to build 4 planters at Cuxton Station. However, just as things were progressing we were hit with Covid 19 and lockdown restrictions.

This didn’t stop us planning the project in detail. Instead of meeting in person, Kent CRP held a video conference with the students, to organise and plan the project remotely. Sleepers and equipment were ordered and delivered to Grow 19 at their College Campus in East Malling so that the students could pre-cut the sleepers to size. This enabled the students to continue their work despite lockdown restrictions and develop their skills they had been learning in the classroom.

As soon as the restrictions eased, a group of students attended Cuxton Station to carry out the risk assessment. In May 2021, we were able to go ahead and complete the project.

A newly constructed planter being filled with earth and stocked with plants.
A newly constructed planter on a station platform

Thank you to Community Rail Network who funded this project, which has had a tremendous impact at brightening up Cuxton Station for the community to enjoy.

Robin and Richard also joined us from the village to lend a hand and help recharge the drill batteries.

Meanwhile, residents from Cuxton village have volunteered to maintain the planters throughout the year and officially adopt the station.  They have formed the Friends of Cuxton Station Group. They will grow their own cuttings and keep the raised beds replenished. 

Since adopting the station the group have added a map showing the local walks through the picturesque countryside around Cuxton. They are also in the process of gaining permission to improve two areas of wasteland around the station.
