Cuxton for Ranscombe Reserve

A wooden planter full of shrubs on a station platform. An attached sign reads "Cuxton for Ranscombe Reserve".

The Friends of Cuxton station have always been keen to encourage people to travel sustainably to explore their village and the surrounding Kent Downs National Landscape.

They created and installed an interpretation panel outside the station showing sights to explore and viewpoints to discover in the area.

A key local attraction is the Ranscombe Reserve, managed by Plantlife and it has been a long-held ambition of the Friends of Cuxton station to have the station signs read “Cuxton for Ranscombe Reserve”.

We suggested adding a suitable sign to the planters and approached Southeastern, who were pleased to give their consent. The Friends of Cuxton station arranged the design and production, Kent CRP were happy to support by funding the modest cost.

We understand that Medway Council are looking to improve waymarking of a walking route between Cuxton station and Ranscombe Reserve and have reached out to offer our support.
