Meetings Calendar 2024/25

At the heart of our partnership are our Steering and Line Groups.

These groups are made up of a number of different members from our communities. This includes representation from Southeastern, Network Rail, Kent County Council, Medway Council, Parish Councils, Sustrans Officers, Community Rail Network and Local Councils.

There are also regular Team Meetings between the Sustrans staff and Chris, Chair of Kent Community Rail Partnership and ad hoc meetings of the Line Groups’ Chairs.


The Whole Group Meeting provides updates on the Action Plan and receive reports to/from our Steering Group which will be followed by focused Line Group Meetings.


Thursday 18th April 2024 

9:30-11:00am Whole Group Kent CRP Meeting, Steering and Line Group Members

11:15-11:45am, 11:45-12:15, 12:15-12:45 Individual Line Group Meetings

Thursday 11th July 2024

9:30-11:00am Whole Group Kent CRP Meeting, Steering and Line Group Members

11:15-11:45am, 11:45-12:15, 12:15-12:45 Individual Line Group Meetings


Thursday 10th October 2024 

9:30-11:00am Whole Group Kent CRP Meeting, Steering and Line Group Members

11:15-11:45am, 11:45-12:15, 12:15-12:45 Individual Line Group Meetings


Thursday 16th January 2025

9:30-11:00am Whole Group Kent CRP Meeting, Steering and Line Group Members

11:15-11:45am, 11:45-12:15, 12:15-12:45 Individual Line Group Meetings


At our July Line Group meetings we will discuss holding the January Line Group Meetings in person.


If you would like to join our Steering or Line Groups please visit our Get Involved page.
