During a sweltering Rail Safety Week, Gary and Dominic braved the heat to promote the British Transport Police 61016 service to rail users.
On Monday we gave out some 360 cards at Tonbridge, showing the 61016 number and giving examples of when to use the service. The majority of cards went to students who make frequent journeys to/from school, raising awareness of the support available. Southeastern staff also gave us water bottles to share, which were very well received in the hot weather.
On Wednesday we were out gain, this time at Maidstone West, where 140 promotional cards were accepted by a diverse range of people and some younger travellers got their own copy of Arlo’s Adventures.
Feedback from people receiving the cards was positive, and we could see them being tucked away for future reference. Another step to empower people to report their concerns and help to keep the railways safe.
A huge thank you goes to Dominic Noades for his support on both days, handing out cards and explaining the service with confidence .