Potential entries for the Photo Competition at theCommunity Rail Awards 2025.


Criteria: We want you to get creative! We want to see light-hearted, inventive images that capture the essence of community rail. These can be in any setting, provided the connection to rail/community rail is immediately obvious. 


1, 2, and 3. Our images, taken in last 12 months.


4, 5. Third party images, I will need consent to use if either of these is selected.

1. Nice to meet you, cup cake.

2. Rudolph the red-nosed CRPO

3. Do butterflies dream of being CRPOs?

4. Community Rail - It's Baa-rilliant

Shaun the Sheep outside Maidstone East station. A statute of a cartoon sheep, Shaun. Shaun has a black face, ears and legs and a fluffy white body and head. Shaun is stood on a paved forecourt area in front of a modern glass fronted station building. On the roof of the building are British Rail "double arrow" logos and the station name, "Maidstone East".

5. Here to welcome Ewe to the station

Shaun the Sheep outside Maidstone East station. A statute of a cartoon sheep, Shaun. Shaun has a black face, ears and legs and a fluffy white body and head. Shaun is stood on a paved forecourt area in front of a modern glass fronted station building. On the roof of the building are British Rail "double arrow" logos and the station name, "Maidstone East".